Monday, January 16, 2012

Health Day on Friday the 13th

Age: Old.
Mission: Get younger.
Action: Get healthy.

As me and Popo have officially reached the quarter century mark, we both decided that it was a jolly good idea to spend a day detoxing and doing healthy things.

Carrots, Celery, Cucumber, Tomatoes, Flaxseed. (Popo’s breakfast everyday. Yes, she’s a nutcase. I know. Who would drink this willingly EVERYDAY??!!)
Celery being juiced in. I. Hate. Loathe. Despise. Celery. | Disturbing looking cucumber.
Leftovers. | As I felt that we shouldn’t waste the leftovers, Popo kept it in the fridge to be used later in our face mask.
Popo’s three layer of goodness.
Can I just get teh tiga lapis?
Looks like orange juice. Did not taste like orange juice. 
Since it was a drink and supposed to be good for me, let’s just down it. Plus, the tomato curdles if left out too long. How dodgy is that!
Reading by the pool.
Didn’t quite work out due to the fact that it was almost 12 noon and the sun was shining right into my eyes making me unable to open them properly to read. Lay there for awhile and decided to go upstairs to continue reading.

Say hello to Susu! She’s so fluffy!
Reading didn’t quite work out too well, as we went ahead and played with Popo’s fluffy cats instead! Please excuse her fluffy flubby tummy, she’s on a diet. :)
Next came lunch.
What originally started out as a salad for me, turned out to be juice instead. Why you ask? Because asparagus and avocados are too expensive! My soul must still be in New Zealand, thinking of all the affordable asparagus & avocados over there!

So instead what happened? We had lettuce & broccoli instead.
BAD.IDEA. Do not attempt this at all!
We blended both the vegetables together with water and as we weren’t sure how long to blend it for it came out too lumpy and we were chewing our drink. And well, Popo was trying real hard not to spit it all back out.

What to do when that failed?
I suggested putting a bit of apple cider vinegar into it. While that helped a little, it was still way too chewy to drink. Back into the blender it goes with more water.

Final product?
Drinkable but not something we’d do ever, ever, ever again.
After lunch, I took a nice little nap on the couch while Popo being the hardworking person that she is continued on doing her design work. So peeps, if you’re looking for a designer to design your namecard, flyer, banner etc. Popo’s the person to ring!

Later, we did some gentle yoga! Stretching, twisting & breathing. All good for the body.

Was a foot soak, face mask & hair mask while watching Paul Pilkingson. Okay fine, his name is not really Paul Pilkingson it’s actually Karl Pilkington. But don’t you just think Paul Pilkingson makes much more sense compared to Karl Pilkington?
Hello retarded toes.
Face mask was a combination of Olive Oil, Honey, Sugar & the vegetables leftover from breakfast.
Hair mask was a mix of Olive Oil & Honey heated on a pan to make it a hot oil treatment!
Olive oil – packed with Vitamin E that’s supposed to slow the effects of aging by fighting free radicals while leaving the skin feeling hydrated, supple & moist.
Honey – humectant (attracts & retains moisture), antibacterial properties, reduces pimples & scars while also leaving skin feeling hydrated, supple & moist (you can tell this a very important to us!).
Sugar & vegetables leftovers – exfoliating properties.

After a quick shower to wash off all our masks, our hair & face never felt better! Our skin was definitely softer & smoother with a bit more spring to it, while our hair was softer, smoother, more manageable & with a noticeable shine.

As I’ve barely eaten anything all day, and all I had was vegetables & fruits I was feeling rather cranky and really looking forward to dinner where we could EAT!

We Googled an organic restaurant in TTDI and proceeded to make our way there only to find out upon arrival that it was CLOSED! It being after work & dinnertime the jam on the road was rather mental we decided a quick stop to Sid’s Pub would do the trick. Plus, I just had to point out again that I was REALLY, REALLY, REALLY hungry.

Popo decided to be adventurous and have a Chip Butty which turned out to be chips sandwiched between butter on bread. I thought that was rather lame. Who would waste good ol’ chips by eating it with bread! IMG_1289
Nom nom. Shepard’s pie.
Was a tad disappointed when they shrunk the vegetables portion!
My happy face with a Strongbow.
Taking a sip from it, my face became not so happy as they seriously watered down the drink, making it taste like fizzy water. Complete & utter waste of money.
So there went our somewhat healthy day! We were doing quite well till dinner and the restaurant disappointed us by being closed! We’ll be attempting another health day for sure and a better planned one it will be!

Before the night came to a close, we went roller derby-ing.
Which let’s be completely honest here. I SUCK at. Seriously, put me on wheels and I just can’t cope. Spent the whole night on the classic rollers, gently shuffling my way around the rink because if I went too fast I wouldn’t be able to stop and would topple down like the WTC. So if you happen to be there and saw a damned fool shuffling around the rink. Yup, that’s me. Old & unashamed of my total lack of balance & coordination.
The wall and I are best buds. I will never leave it’s side.
Nasty, awful sport. Must try it again next time and will start with inline skates first instead of the roller ones. Will also come better prepared with padding everywhere!

So concludes Health Day.
Until then, have you checked out our latest updates on Peep Boutique yet?
If you haven’t, head on over now for some super last minute Chinese New Year shopping!

Till our next update, what’d ya guys have planned for CNY? Heading back to hometown or enjoy the quiet, empty streets of KL?

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