Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Five People You’d Meet Underground

Who doesn’t love Alice in Wonderland? Well actually, a lot of people la, since I have many friends who don’t read, which is fine. Hey, no one read in medieval times either and nothing bad happened to them. You know, except for being poor, hungry, down-trodden and generally tortured and repressed. Joking la sheesh, no need to get so huffy so early in my post, school ain’t cool, I’ve been reading since the day I was conceived and I’m still poor, hungry, down-trodden and generally tortured and repressed. Screw Robert Frost and the damn road he never took, give me 2 pegs, a straw and cherry-lip-gloss and I’ll show you how to make a million dollars with just those things, and pressing your thumbs together. Curious? Heh heh heh, ;). As am I. Let me know if inspiration ever hits you.

So yes, I was with my BFF on one of our lengthy shopping expeditions when I thought it would be a fabulous idea to dress her up odd apparel and drag-queen makeup and then post it up on Facebook for the entire world to see. I needed to express. What? I didn’t know. I just needed to express something and Alice was going to show me the way.

Obviously these are just interpretations of how I see these characters, and they are all dressed fabulously I must say, very stylo-milo to the Sembilan (dressed to the nine? Hee. :D). The text for each foto pretty much explains my thoughts on the subject and character so enjoy folks, my first sort-of-real photoshoot! Excitement!

And Jesus, I wish now I paid more attention in school when we were being taught photoshop. Hey kids, sometimes it pays to listen in class! Not all the time though, so no need to go overboard with it. ;).



1. Her name was “Ordinary Alice”, because “Plain Jane was taken. 

        Nama Bahasa Melayu : “Searching Siti.”

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white rabbit.

2. Girls have a Button, Boys have a Pole, but it’s the Hurried-Bunny that takes you into the Hoooolllleeeeee!


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cheshire cat.

3. A Pussy-Kat that smiles at every Tom, Dick and Harith, is a Pussy-Kat that smells…of an STD.


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Lesson : If you Spread your butter for every toast, somebody is going to get a stroke and die.

white queen a.k.a. the duchess

4. Mirror, mirror in my hand. I’m stuck in your glass. Lemme Out.






red queen.

5.The Queen Of Hearts, She was a Tart!


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6.Dr.Hatter, he was a nutter. and all the better he seemed. until he took a hammer, and broke your thunder. we’ll lock him up, they all agreed.  

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                                                 That’s all folks!


*Wardrobe by Peep -www.peepboutique.blogspot.com-

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