Friday, March 26, 2010

Ga-ga-ga, Ha-ha-ha

I love Gaga. You love Gaga. Gaga got style. But sometimes...sometimes I stop and wonder. Not because it's particularly hideous but because you just can't help but wonder at Gaga. Sometimes.

First I wondered how tired she had to be to dress so normally.

Then I wondered why Gaga decided to wear an English field.

Could Gaga be mocking Edward and his disgusting hair? OK la it's not disgusting, but I don't get why it's that sexy.

I wondered what kind of contacts she had if she managed to get the sun to sit on her head for a few hours. Hahah, no la, I was wondering how come she has such a banging body!

Hey look! It's "Cousin It", and It got bangs! But what did she do with the rest of It? I wondered


Hmmmm...where did Gaga get an invisible horse?? Jeez-louise man.

And finally I wondered...where Gaga got those fabulous pink shoes!


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