What are these little pieces of sculpture? It's none other than, Christian Louboutin's Shoes!!
Oh. They are to die for. The beautiful signature red soles. The structure of the design! I would talk about the quality too had I a pair in my hands.
‘As a child, Louboutin would regularly sneak out of school, from the age of 12, to watch the showgirls at Paris nightclubs, because he was fascinated by their costumes. He cites this as his main inspiration for becoming a shoe designer: "[The showgirls] influenced me a lot. If you like high heels, it's really the ultimate high heel - it's all about the legs, how they carry themselves, the embellishment of the body. They are the ultimate icons."’
- excerpt from wikipedia. thank you wiki! -
And boy do I love high heels! Christian Louboutin actually helped bring stilettos back into fashion in the 1990s and 2000s, and he is known for making heels 4.72inches or higher! Wow! Can you say absolute LOVE!
Well, he does have SOME low heels la, but he is known for his lovely dressy sky high stilettos. But anyways, me not such a fan of low heels. So no loss there! :)
Now the important bit. How did the gorgeous signature red soles come about?
"In 1992 I incorporated the red sole into the design of my shoes. This happened by accident as I felt that the shoes lacked energy so I applied red nail polish to the sole of a shoe. This was such a success that it became a permanent fixture."' - yes, it’s from wikipedia again. -
Yes. I do like this pair of leopard print peep toe shoes as well. Imagine them with jeans or a little black dress! Loves!
Not only do I love them, but the celebrities are totally crazy about them too!
Kristen Bell and Rachel Bilson Very Prive 942 Peep-Toe Shoes, USD790
Naomi Campbell Avedere Suede Boot, USD1,120
Celebrity photos from here.
Okay, one might ask why are these heels at an extra-normous price. Well, all Christian Louboutin’s shoes are handmade and a minimum of 10 hands have touched them! Hence, the price and I’m sure the killer quality as well. Again, can’t really comment on the quality till I own a pair. :)
actually louboutin said that his assistants accidentally smeared red nailpolish on the bottom of the shoe while making it. and then he got angry and threw the nail polish on the whole shoe. heheh. xoxo pop.