Saturday, July 3, 2010

Urbanscapes 2010

Urbanscapes 2010 was awesome! We’d know, we were there! KLPAC was packed last week with all sorts of vending, music-ing, performing, fire-breathing, rumah angkat-ing, Dj-ing, painting and all other ‘ings’ imaginable. From 12pm to 12am there were activities happening both inside the KLPAC building and outside in the form of pointy white tents which provided Urbanscapers with items ranging from clothes to paintings to earrings to badges to bangles to bracelets to shoes to t-shirts to food to you get my point right?

So we were were in one of the pointy –and is it crude and crass of me to refer to them as KKK hats?- tents on the grassy side of the festival, arriving bright and early to set up our beloved Peep booth to be greeted by the sight of a little green car stuck in the mud. What a nightmare. But what an opportunity to begin my Urbanscapes Photo Diary on my part!! :D.

The tow truck came to rescue this poor sod…and the tow truck got stuck in the mud. What are the chances?

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This is our little corner booth…Thank God it wasn’t muddy and raining. Can you imagine the joy?

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The girl on the left is owner of Peep, or as the insects at KLPAC would call her The Third Reich; she was DEADLY with her insect repellent. Displayed on the right are our wares. :).

That’s me with my girlfriend Julie. We’re very open about our animate/inanimate unorthodox relationship.

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Some of the booths I saw on my many ‘toilet breaks’. Hehe.
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Hey! They’ve got BEER yo. Sadly we were very responsible on the job, and very sober. Boo.

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The space inside KLPAC, there was more happening upstairs but seriously people there’s only so long I can go to the ‘toilet’ before people either catch on or think I have the runs.

There were artists meticulously painting…

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More vendors, there were some seriously interesting booths yo.
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Very creative people we have here. Go us!

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Then suddenly as I was lazily sitting in the booth ‘working’, I hear the sound of drums “Tong-to-tong-tong-chang!”. And I turned to Wei Ni, “Hey, LION DANCERS are coming!” I cannot explain to you why but I LOVE lion dancers, so all excited I got the camera and ran to the sound of the drums, very much like Pocahontas flying on her nimble native feet to rescue John Smith from the cold, hard hands of his own British General Radcliffe. I’m aware I watch way to much Disney.
However when I got there I was like ey, they’re carrying a house!
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Yep, they angkated a house from God only knows where to be ceremoniously placed alongside KLPAC’s theatres to be used as a Photo Exhibition and performance space. Whatever rocks your house…boat…whatever, baby.
They had a table where if you placed your hand onto this circular metallic spock-like instrument and then placed your other hand into these tea-cups you could make beat-box sounds. How dope? SO DOPE.

This booth was selling paintings, and then her paintings on t-shirts. Support the arts.

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Performances at the Rumah T’lah Diangkat, on the left the remnants of I think a Poetry…reading? Slamming? I’m writing this at 3am, let it go aight. And on the right these three flers who were very clever and very funny, and I believe at the time of this picture taking they were singing a song about dating a Malay girl tapi “Saya tak mahu Sunat!”. Frankly I wouldn’t want to either. But it’s sanitary :D, so it’s much encouraged. Why am I talking about circumcision??

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Check them fire-playas out! It was Super Cool, until one of them got stuck in their fire chain and in a panic flung the linked balls of fire straight into the audience. Thanks.

There were plenty of other goings ons of course, but I never got a chance to take photos of it all. The day was long and fun-filled. We sold, we ate, we laughed, we played…and then it was time to pack up and leave. Julie's heart (Which Lee Wei Ni stole by the way. Although she’s probably going to protest loudly about how it ‘fell at her feet begging to be picked up.’) had shrivelled up sadly and no longer winked cheekily at passer-by’s. We were tired and falling asleep in our chairs….
The day was done.

Hey but check it out, we let our customers choose their own prices! How thoughtful! Goooooodnight!


  1. hi, im looking for the polka dot black and white dress i saw at your booth at the urbanscape event. is it still available? i've been looking around in your blog but luck just not on my side. appreciate your little help here.thanx!

  2. hey, do you mean this one?
