And that's what we were doing, speaking of royalty. Just the other day. On the yet again, buying more clothes for the ever expanding black hole of a fashion consumer also known as 'WN' a.k.a. "The Man" of this blog.
Wouldn't it just be a fairytale to wake-up and be royal? Would we feel different? Who cares! I get a castle, a moat and an ARMY! Prince Charming can come and go as he pleases, look at the real Queen Madge, she purchases charming, charming princes of every creed and colour. Young and tight too. A. Woo. Ga. ;).
If you were royal, my dear reader, and after tiring of your castle and moat and shouting "Off with his head!" into an empty throne room, imagine the resources at your disposal. Jet-sets. Vacations. Drinks. Shows. Parties. Events. Events. Events. And...a wardrobe befitting a princess.
I would write a post about all the most fashionable royals around but I have some kind of A.D.D. so I'll leave that post to WN, and instead I'm going to countdown my favourite fashion-'royals'. Hee.
10. Princess Diana
Come on admit it, she had golden hair, pretty blue eyes, she liked to help people and ALL of our mothers wanted her hair. Fashionista babe, and she pissed of QE. That's my kinda gal.
FAT BOYS! WHERE ARE MY FAT BOYS?! AMUSE ME FAT BOYS! Heheh. Come on, fashion is all about the attitude you bring to an outfit. And the red queen definitely brings it. Gotta love the heart on her lips.
Funny is sexy. Unless you're Rowan Atkinson, or...Jack Black. How terrible of me! Of course they are both beautiful in their own special ways. But yes, funny is sexy. Quirky is trend setting. So if you've got that special sparkle in your eye, you're going to light up that outfit baby!
You gotta love this -and I use this term loosely- "Punk Princess". She rocked the tie, she rocked the hair, she rocked the attitude. The only thing she doesn't rock is her music. But I like her pop-songs nonetheless.
Ok first of all I'm not one of those girls that endorses Walt Disneys portrayal of a fairytale life as a spineless chit who is stupid enough to be tricked into practical slavery only to be saved by a good looking goon who comes to save the beautiful but incapable damsel before moving on to their happily ever after. And thats a loose interpretation of every other one of their fairy-tales. Not that I don't still watch and sing along to every Walt Disney cartoon to this day. :D. I'm just pointing that fact out. But you have to admit, the dress Cindersoot wore to her ball is to die. I want my wedding dress -not that I believe in marriage I just want a dress and a ring- to look something like that!
What else can you do with a man in a feathered cap who prances about in tights than put him in a fashion list? I mean really, if he doesn't belong here, he doesn't belong nowhere. Here's to ALL the beautiful men who love feathers and who love tights, you keep on withcha bad self!
Revolutionary darling.
3. Pop Princess
Oh come on, she had the grace of a princess. And she should be on every fashion list if it were up to me. Even if it's GQ's Sexiest Bachelors Top 100. Just put her in there.

I don't even know where to start. This man is a GENIUS. musically, fashionably, every-ally. The surgeries's his face, it's his life. Respect. Motown 25, the guy takes his mothers sparkly jacket and goes on to rock what until today is considered one of his best performances. And the red thriller jacket I mean come on, who didn't have one of those?
So only one person on my list is royal. I never was big on blood-lines or anything resembling a feudal system anyway. Power to the people who know where their crowns are in life and set up their own damn thrones!
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